Apostles and Prophets

In order for anyone to know and see Jesus Christ for who He really is, God must reveal it.
That’s exactly what Jesus says to his disciples in Matthew 16. It remains true today.
If you are a Christian reading this, you owe your faith to Jesus. He is the “author” and “perfecter” of your faith after all, so there’s no use trying to take any credit for it yourself.
But there’s some really important good news implied by all of that, suggested by the quote from Ephesians 2 at the top of this page.
Paul, the first century author of Ephesians 2, is emphasizing something about Christian faith that applies to everyone.
Notice how Paul is addressing all people, everywhere, throughout all time.
When he invokes terms like “household of God”, “the whole structure”, and “fellow citizens”, he is stating implicitly what he states explicitly elsewhere.
In Galatians 3:28, Paul comes right out and says it. No matter who we might be in the eyes of the world, we all have equal status in the eyes of God.
Which brings me back to my first sentence. In order for anyone to know and see Jesus Christ for who He really is, God must reveal it.
Everyone who believes in Jesus as Lord and Savior owes that faith to God.
god does it
Let me first explain why I think this is such good news.
Many Christians become shy when it comes to sharing their faith.
Timidity has its reasons.
Perhaps the most invalid reason sounds something like this: “I don’t know how to lead someone to faith in Jesus”.
Neither do I. Only God knows how to do that.
What I do know, however, is how to lead people to the means God uses to bring someone to faith in Jesus. You can also do that.
Did you catch the distinction there?
We don’t lead anyone to Christian faith, God does.
According to Ephesians 2, however, we have access to one of God’s mechanisms for accomplishing His work: “the apostles and the prophets”.
More simply put, we have the Bible.
you know the truth
Paul says that faith in Jesus - which we already know is God’s accomplished work - is built on His revealed Word (“the apostles and the prophets”).
Faith in Jesus does not come through archeological discovery or historical evidence.
It cannot come through scientific research, logical reasoning, or mathematical proof.
It will not come through transcendental meditation, emotional experiences, dreams, or near-death encounters.
Faith in Jesus Christ is built on revealed Truth - truth that is contained in a book.
God uses that specific Truth to lead people to faith in Jesus.
And He uses you to share the Truth.
you share the truth
Remember how you felt the first time you heard your favorite piece of music?
Or how about that fantastic meal you had at the local high-end restaurant?
Most likely, you couldn’t wait to “share the good news” about it.
What you didn’t need to do was compose the music or cook that meal.
This is how God has engaged us in His mission to bring the good news of Jesus to the world.
He has revealed Himself in scripture, and given us that scripture to share.
I’d like to suggest a few basic ideas that you might have at-the-ready for your next opportunity to share your faith with someone.
Jesus Is True God.
The prophets made it clear that the Messiah is God.
Isaiah 9:6-7 says that the “child” to be born (Jesus) is “Mighty God”, and the “Prince of Peace” forever.
Micah 5:2, in 700BC, says that when Messiah comes (700 years later), he will have an ancient - even eternal - origin.
And Daniel 7:13-14 says that the Messiah has power and authority that can only ever belong to the one true God.
The apostles also made it clear that Jesus is the Messiah, and therefore God.
In John 20:28 Thomas calls Jesus “my Lord and my God”.
In Colossians 2:9 Paul says that the “entire deity” is found in Jesus.
Titus 2:13 refers to Jesus as “our great God and Savior”.
And Jesus Himself says, in John 8:58, “before Abraham was, I AM”.
Jesus Is Also True man.
Again, let’s start with the prophets.
Genesis 22:18 refers to the Messiah as Abraham’s “offspring”.
Psalm 132:11 refers to the Messiah as one of David’s “sons, from his body”.
2 Samuel 7:12-13 reiterates that David’s messianic offspring will be from his “body”.
And the apostles agree.
Galatians 4:4 says that Jesus, who is “God’s son”, was “born of a woman”.
1 Timothy 2:5 refers to Jesus as "the man Christ Jesus".
And throughout the Gospels we see Jesus weeping, thirsting, eating, sleeping, and even dying.
Jesus as God and man in one unified person is a mindbender - which is why only God can work faith in someone.
However, once someone has heard the above information, “built on the apostles and the prophets”, that person is right in the wheelhouse for God to do that important work of faith.
After all, as Colossians 1:19-20 summarize, “in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.”

it begins with you
So if you are like the rest of us and you feel inadequate to lead someone to faith, take heart.
You can lead them to Jesus, and you can do it in precisely the way God has designed.
The first time someone learns that Jesus Christ is “true God and true man”, that person is likely to have questions.
Perfect. You can tell them that you have questions too!
Then you can invite them to accompany you to Bible Class or Worship where some questions get answered and new questions arise.
And just like that, God begins His work.
Closing Prayer
Lord God, heavenly Father, I confess that I don’t understand it all. I also rejoice that my faith does not rely on my understanding. Thank you for giving me faith, thank you for giving me Jesus as my Savior, and thank you for the next opportunity you will give me to share your Word.